Lilly Endowment Award

Lilly Endowment Award

The Lilly Endowment Inc. on Wednesday said it has approved $93.6 million in new grants to help Indianapolis residents living in or near poverty—an amount nearly twice as much as the endowment initially planned to donate to the Enhancing Opportunity initiative. The grants, which range from $180,000 to more than $8 million each, will be awarded to …

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Follow the Impact of Our 2008 Change Maker Grant to Horizon House

Follow the Impact of Our 2008 Change Maker Grant to Horizon House

At the First Thursday Virtual Lunch on February 4, 2021, Impact 100 members and supporters followed the impact of our 2008 Change Maker grant to Horizon House. Horizon House is the only day shelter for homeless individuals in Central IN. Horizon House is a full-service agency that connects individuals experiencing homelessness with integrated, comprehensive services. Horizon House …

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Horizon House Helps Those Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19

INDIANAPOLIS — More than a dozen hand washing stations have been placed in Downtown Indianapolis and an outreach team is working to help those experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indianapolis Office of Public Health and Safety and Horizon House are working to reach out to continue supporting those who experiencing homelessness in the …

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Indiana Coronavirus Updates

Starting Monday, Eli Lilly and Co. will offer drive-through testing for COVID-19 to Indianapolis health-care workers. The tests will be free but are only available to active health-care workers, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists and allied health-care professionals who have a physician’s order for the test, the company said in a news release Sunday. FULL ARTICLE

Horizon House Asking For Volunteers

Horizon House Asking For Volunteers

INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) — An Indianapolis agency that helps the city’s homeless needs help. Horizon House is “gratefully overwhelmed” with generosity. It is looking for volunteers to help sort out a mountain of donations. “This is a great problem for us to have,” Horizon House’s Director of Development and Communications Marcie Luhigo said. FULL ARTICLE / …

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Horizon House Asks the community to share the warmth with homeless neighbors

Horizon House Asks the community to share the warmth with homeless neighbors

Horizon House will host a Share the Warmth donation drive Saturday to gather winter clothes for the homeless. Families are invited to visit the agency between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. to drop off coats, hats, blankets and other supplies. The annual event strives to collect supplies to keep homeless neighbors safe from cold weather exposure. …

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Horizon House offers more than a roof

Horizon House offers more than a roof

When it comes to fighting homelessness in Indianapolis, there’s a new mindset in town. And since early 2018, Lillian Herbers-Kelly and Horizon House have been on the front lines. This intensive approach at Horizon House, for which there was no blueprint, involves a team assembled by Herbers-Kelly from the ground up. FULL ARTICLE

Mayor Hogsett Serves Food at Horizon House

Mayor Hogsett Serves Food at Horizon House

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Mayor Joe Hogsett helped serve food at the Horizon House on Friday. Several local unions offered up food for the homeless community. This is the second year the Horizon House has hosted the meal.