Neighbor Story: Lamont

Neighbor Story: Lamont

Lamont was born in 1968 and grew up in Indianapolis, living in different homes through the years. All of them were around The Meadows neighborhood. From the 1940s to the early 1960s the neighborhood was considered a highly desirable community in which to live. “Yet, by the 1980s, the one-time suburban destination became a textbook …

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Neighbor Story: Jamain

Neighbor Story: Jamaine

Jamaine has always been a hard worker, he worked for 37 years straight in his home state, Michigan, where he was from.  In December of 2017 he moved to Indiana to be with his wife and kids. They were renting a house, until their landlord tried to evict them.  To protect his family, and his …

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Neighbor Story: Stacey

Neighbor Story: Stacey

I first met Stacey when her daughter was only a year old. They were living mostly on the streets, with friends or acquaintances, or sleeping in libraries and emergency rooms for safety. Stacey and her daughter had to use the bus system to access anywhere they needed to be, which required bus fare or bus …

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Neighbor Story: Waymon

Neighbor Story: Waymon

Wayman was addicted to drugs and alcohol, leading him to a life of crime and landing him in jail.  He spent years in and out of jail, each time out finding himself homeless and alone. Wayman found it hard to get a job because of his criminal background, so he went back to using drugs …

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Neighbor Story: Tyree

Neighbor Story: Tyree

“If you want to get your life together, you can come to Horizon House.” Tyree has been coming to Horizon House since 2017. He describes it as a place where he can take care of himself. When he has money, he gets an apartment or rents a room. When there is no money, Horizon House …

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Neighbor Story: Rick

Neighbor Story: Rick

“Horizon House saved my life in 1995.” This message was posted to our Facebook page on January 6, 2016. That’s how we reconnected with Rick, who had been at Horizon House over 20 years ago, when we were housed at Shepherd Community Center. Life on the Streets Rick was homeless for two long years, due …

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Neighbor Story: Madison

Neighbor Story: Madison

A neighbor came up to one of the members of our Horizon House Director Team so filled with joy that she was singing. She asked, “Can I share my story with you?” They responded, “Of course!” There were incredibly excited to hear what she was so happy about. “I got shot several years ago. I …

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